
It’s Magical to love and be loved. Why? Because true love liberates. It never ever holds back. What holds back is ego, and ego and love are not connected. It’s easy to mix the two together, but love never binds, it’s always liberating!

How do I know this? Because, I have had a first-hand experience of being loved in a magical way. As of today, my most prized possession is the feeling of being immensely special in the lives of two amazing people; people who have brought me into existence. Yes, I am talking about my first love – my parents. In the beginning, it was a one-sided love from their side. I was just this little baby trying to survive in this world, and was making use of my parents as a medium. As selfish as it may sound, I barely understood the simple yet complicated feeling called love back then. I was striving to hold on to my life on this new planet, which would have been a complete disaster without the care, attention and affection from my generous parents. All of a sudden, they had started living for me. Suddenly, I became their top priority. I was now the centre of their lives. This is how love was giving me it’s taster sessions, and my mentors were no other than my own parents. By now, the once one-sided love had ignited on the other side as well. And, then the fun lessons began!

Lesson 1:

I am a person free in my thoughts, life, education, choices and learning. I am FREE! Who doesn’t want to be free? All of us do! True love has gifted me this freedom; to never fear life, to never fear failures, to never fear heartbreaks, to never fear being a loser, to never fear criticisms, to never fear fear itself. You know what I do with all these fears? I befriend, tame and set them all free. I take time to understand my fears and accept them, instead of chaining them to the heavy steel chair in the centre of my heart. That way, it thinks twice before causing me any harm, because it’s free in it’s existence in an organised fashion. This is what my parents used to do to the untamed young version of me. They would always let me dissipate my feral energy in a constructive way, so as to not suffocate my existence. I, now do the very same to all the good and not so good elements of my own-self. This way, I set myself free.

Lesson 2:

I remember, while I was leaving my parent’s house for further education in 2005 (yes, girls in India don’t just leave their parent’s house after marriage, but also to pursue their dreams), they tried making me understand that life would get difficult and challenging at times. I could see in their eyes, the concern of letting go the centre of their world on an expedition to explore life on her very own. However, somewhere deep within, they knew that it was time that I got the real and evolved perspective of life, the wild view of it. Yes, they were protective and loving, but they were determined that no matter what life threw at me, I would still love life because they had taught me to love myself. By now, they had trained me to value my own merits and demerits, and amidst all the internal and external chaos, to still value and respect my identity. This is why I say, love liberates!

Lesson 3:

While I was about to take my very first solo journey, my parents lovingly said, “Remember this, you can always come home, no matter what”.

I have gone home every time life slammed me down, I took their refuge each time situations put me down. I, at times have gone back home with happiness and joy, but most of the times with worries, mistakes, tears, heartaches, bad mood, financial issues and what not. Still, they never once said, “See, we told you it’s difficult out there and you never listened to us”. Instead, every time that I paid them a visit, they would say, “Oh, my darling you are home! Mumma is gonna cook your favourite dish, and Papa is gonna take you for shopping”. They liberated me to life at that instant, and they still do. THIS IS LOVE. Love liberates!

Lesson 4:

Their love has the potential to ignore my biggest mistakes, or the fact that I unknowingly ignore them at times, or talk to them a little roughly. By making me feel extraordinarily special, their true love empowers me with the strength to turn the most negative emotions that reside within me, into positive ones. My life feels worth living and enjoying. They make me realise how precious I am to them, how important my existence is, and that I matter in this world. They VALIDATE my existence. This is what LOVE is. Love liberates!

Lesson 5:

One day, while I was in the middle of a crisis in my life, I was having this intense telephonic chat with my parents. They kept asking me, “Darling, are you fine?”. Me, in the midst of all my disappointments said, “I am okay. Will you please stop asking the same question over and over again?”. Without a trace of disappointment from my not so fine tone of reply they said, “Darling, we think you are the bravest and strongest woman we have ever known”. They further added, “You belong in the category of highly courageous, confident people. No matter how tough life gets, you are unbreakable. You may feel defeated for a little while, but you won’t be a failure at life ever. You are truly inspirational, and that’s the reason we ask you to take care of yourself, because your existence matters. We are here for anything and everything you need. Remember, you don’t need to worry because you have us”.

Right then, I said to myself, “Suppose they are right, because they are intelligent people, then I may have something in me that would be of value not just to me, but to others as well. I may contribute something to this world.” I, spontaneously felt alive. They released me right then, they freed me. You see, that’s Love. It does liberate!

Lesson 6:

My parents have given me two absolutely precious things: WINGS to fly high and ROOTS to stay grounded. By never clipping my wings, they gave me the permission to explore life and consider it as a classroom. Their love has made me understand that though, I may feel defeated at times in life, yet I will never be a failure. They have made me “Believe in myself”. That’s love! It will never betray you, enslave you or dismay you, it will set you free.

Lesson 7:

Love says, I love you. I love you if you are in India, or in UK. I love you if you are a success , or a failure. I love you if you are rich, or poor. I love you if you are happy, or sad. I love you if you are across the world, or in my lap.

Love says, I would like to be near you, I would like to have you in my arms, I would like to hear your voice in my ear, or to hug you tight, but my love wants you to “go live your dreams and to explore life”. My love for you compels me to set you free, because darling, that’s what love is! Distance isn’t an issue, because in the end I have you!

Introspection Time: 

Who comes to your mind when you think of love? Who is that someone who has changed the course of your life for better? Who do you think has helped you, or helps you to become a better version of yourself? Who makes you feel extremely valuable?

If you have even a single such person in your life, consider yourself lucky. Why not call or message them now, and let them know what a gem they are?

If not, keep looking! You may unexpectedly bump into a person who would not merely accept you, but WANT you with all your flaws, imperfections and mistakes. Someone, who would have the magical power of love to transform the course of your entire life.

However, what’s equally important is to BE one of these loving people in someone else’s life, to liberate someone going through a difficult phase in life, and to be a ray of hope for someone.

Does our love have the capability to set the spirit of our lover free? Is our love capable of helping someone get a better reflection of themselves? If not, let’s try and be better lovers. Who knows, in the process we might end up being better humans!

Love and Hope,


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